영문 약어 모음
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Name 관리자 Date16-02-04 13:45 Hit42,907 Comment0Link
Word | Content / Explanation | Remarks |
4M | Man, Machine, Material, Method | |
APQP | Advanced Product Quality Planning | 사전제품품질계획 |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible | 가능한 빨리 |
B/M | Benching marking | 답습 |
BOM | Bill of material | 자재명세서 |
CFT | Cross Functional Team | 상호기능팀 |
CGI | Compacted Graphite Iron | 컴팩트 구상흑연 주철 |
CKD | Completely knock down | 부품/반제품 |
Control Plan | Control Plans are written descriptions of the systems for controlling parts and process. | |
Dimension | Numeric value graphically illustrated on technical drawings by lines, symbols and notes. | |
DPCS | Daedong Production Control System | 대동 공정관리 시스템 |
DWG | Drawing | |
ERP | Enterprise resource planning | 기업자원관리 |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions | 잦은 질문 |
FMEA | Failure Mode & Effect Analysis, AMDEC | 고장형태별 영향분석 |
Foolproof | 아주 간단한, 매우쉬운 | 과실방지 장치 |
FYR | For your Reference | 참고 |
ISIR | Initial Sample Inspection Report | 초도품 검사보고서 |
JIT | Just In Time | 즉각 생산 |
KD | Knock Down | 부품수출 |
KPI | Key Performance Index | 핵심성과지표 |
LOI | Loss of Ignition | 작열감량 |
MCV | Main Control Valve (Mono Control Valve) | |
MDT | Multi Disciplinary Team | 상호기능팀 |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding | 양해각서 |
MRP | Material requirement planning | 자재소요량계획 |
NMI | New Market Introduction | 신 시장 개척 |
NPI | New Product Introduction | 기존고객 신규수주 |
OEM | Original equipment manufacturing | 주문자상표부착생산 |
OJT | Office Job Training | 직무 내 훈련 |
PM | Project Manager | |
PO | Purchase Order | 구매발주 |
PPAP | Production Preparation Approval Process | 양산부품승인절차서 |
Q cost | Quality cost | 품질 비용 |
QA | Quality assurance | 품질 보증 |
QC | Quality Control | 품질 관리 |
QCD | Quality,cost,delivery | 품질,가격,납기 |
QRQC | Quick Response Quality Control | 품질문제 즉각대응 |
Quantum Jump | 비약적 발전 | |
Ramp Up | The period from SOP to the achievement of full volume condition, Montée en cadence | 증산 |
RBF | Repair Before Failure | 예방정비 |
RFQ | Request for quotation | 견적요청 |
R&D | Research and Development | 연구개발 |
R&R | Role and Responsibilities | 역할과 책임 |
SCM | Supply Chain Management | 공급망 관리 |
SOP | Start of Production | 생산개시 |
SWOT 분석 | 강점(Strength), 약점(Weakness), 기회(Opportunity), 위협(Threat) | 전략도출 분석 |
TBD | To Be Determined | 미정 |
UPH | Unit Per Hour | 시간당 표준 생산량 |
VOC | Voice of customer | 고객의견 |
VPN | Virtual private network | 가상사설망(假想私設網) |